Aries: The Ram

March 21 - April 19


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Aries is a Fire Sign. Its ruling planet is Mars, named after the Roman god of war.


Positive traits: Driven, passionate, curious, bold, ambitious, confident leader, enjoys a challenge

Negative traits: Impulsive, competitive, impatient, arrogant, selfish


Aries is the first sign of the zodiac wheel, which starts off with a bang of fire. Aries are high energy people with a thirst for life, and are incredibly dynamic. Their energy is intense, which can manifest as intense passion -- or at times, as an explosive temper. Aries are often rebellious and like to do things their own way. They dive headfirst into everything, including challenges -- and are brilliant at rallying community around them to accomplish a goal. Overall, Aries are powerful people who enjoy living life to the fullest... and like to show up, full of energy, fire, and confidence!

About the new moon in Aries:

The new moon in Aries is all about shedding the belief “I am not enough” by fiercely declaring we as women are MORE than enough as we are. In doing so, we reclaim the power we have given away through comparison. If you’ve been falling into the mental trap of comparison, or believing that there are things you can’t succeed at or accomplish, it is leaking your precious self-worth energy -- and it’s time for this old habit to GO. The new moon supports us in this intention. The fire of Aries burns away all obstacles that are in the way of full confidence, self-worth, and personal power. To fully reclaim your power, join us in a Virtual New Moon Circle.