How to harness the energy of the full moon

Every full moon is unique and powerful, and with this guide, you'll learn how to harness the energy of every full moon so that you can deepen on your journey of healing, transformation, and self-growth.

1. Create intentional time for yourself to connect to the energy of the full moon. Whether you spend this time alone or with a group of friends that share the same intention, this is the most simple and foundational thing you can do. When the moon is full and you create intentional time to connect, it allows the moon's energy to move through you and bring you all sorts of benefits, ranging from soul-level healing to manifesting powers to receiving clarity on your next steps in life.

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2. Look up what astrological sign the full moon is in. This will help you pay attention and stay ahead of the curve so that you can navigate the transformational time of each full moon with awareness and harness its power! Each full moon has its own unique astrology, which can help you understand exactly what the particular energy of the new moon is. For example, a full moon in Libra is a powerful time to heal relationships, while a full moon in Taurus provides an stable, grounded energy so that you can reflect on your financial and fitness goals. Having an understanding of this will support you in creating your intentions and shaping the areas you will focus on in your thoughts, actions, and full moon rituals.

The full moon's energy is particularly potent if its astrological sign aligns with your astrological sun sign, as this will likely be the night of the year that has the most power for you.

3. Set clear intentions. When you set your intentions on the full moon, they have extra energy added to them to carry them to fruition. A powerful practice to add to your intention-setting is to close your eyes and visualize and feel the intention as though it is already done. With the light of the full moon shining bright above you, feel into what your heart and soul truly desires. Write it down, speak it out loud, and affirm them in a positive way. Just remember to be careful what you wish for -- it may just come true!

4. Meditate. There are many different styles of meditation, and your intuition can guide you to what is best for you on each full moon. Whether you choose to sit up straight and observe your breathing, lay down and listen to shamanic drumming, dance, paint, go for a walk, or even wash your dishes with awareness -- choose to infuse this time with your complete presence, clear your mind, and listen. The full moon illuminates parts of ourselves we weren't aware of before, which can include realizations about ourselves and our lives, and visions of what our next steps are.

You may be surprised by the clarity of the guidance and the depth of the healing that occurs while in meditation on a full moon. It is a time that has been revered as sacred, especially for women, for millennia.


5. Journal. You can choose to journal about your emotions (which are usually heightened by the moon), your spiritual journey, your thoughts, your intentions, or anything that is alive for you. Journaling is a tool that brings deep clarity and a-ha moments because instead of thoughts swirling around inside of our heads, we can articulate what is present and it organizes and grounds the intense energy to create harmony and healing. In doing this, we are able to grow positively as opposed to becoming a victim to the heightened energy of the full moon. Journaling helps us become conscious creators of our lives; it reminds us of our power to choose self-love and compassion instead of unconscious patterns. It always brings self-awareness, and that is an important step on the journey of healing.

6. Place your crystals in the moonlight to cleanse and charge. If you not only want to experience the power of the full moon during the night of the full moon itself, but you want to continue the healing and transformation throughout the month, place your crystals in the moonlight to cleanse and charge them. You can also experiment with placing a crystal under your pillow when you sleep, bathing with them, or carrying one with you in your pocket. Crystals can be used for many methods of healing. Read more here.

Because crystals are programmable, they will absorb the positive energy of the full moon and continue radiating it for weeks to come.

7. Do a full moon ritual. This is highly recommended if you are calling in transformation and self-growth! The full moon has long been considered a potent time to do rituals for manifestation, healing, spiritual guidance, and increasing personal power. Additionally, the full moon can be utilized towards an intention such as global healing -- especially in the presence of sisterhood. Gathering with other women in a Sister Circle on the full moon is an ancient tradition that benefits every woman that attends, and ripples out to touch her family, her community, and Mother Earth herself.

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