A 3-week sacred study group on:
Spiritual Guides, Mediumship, & Wisdom of the Amazon

Taught and guided by: Clara Shinobu Iura of the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers and Isabel Barsé.

A Fundraiser for “Santa Casa,” a house of spiritual, mental, and emotional healing in the Amazon Rainforest.

Begins January 17th



If this has caught your eye, take a moment to connect with your heart because you very well could have been guided to read these words. 

(Take a breath into your heart before you continue reading…) 

You are an awakening woman on a healing journey. 

You have been growing increasingly sensitive to energy. You have had spiritual experiences that are both magical and hard, and you are looking for trustworthy guidance on navigating your awakening journey. 

You are being called to deepen your spiritual connection and capacity to support the evolutionary spiral of your True Becoming. 

You know that the deep healing journey isn’t just for you.

You are being molded by divine energies to serve the healing of your lineage and humanity.

You are awakening your inner-knowing through sacred knowledge that humanity has largely forgotten.

And because of this, you are drawn to earth-based rituals and sacred plant medicines, and you sense the astral and spiritual dimensions around you. 

You have been looking for a way to deepen your study and learn from an authentic source of HUMBLE embodied wisdom.

And this is why you have arrived here…

This program is not for everyone, but it is for you if:

  • You have a sincere desire in your heart to enhance your intuitive capacities and have been on a journey of deepening your spiritual practice and connection.

  • You yearn to receive clearer communications with your Spiritual Guides and helpers.

  • You commit to learning with women worldwide who may have different perspectives than you. You recognize that sisterhood is healing, and you are open to being respectful and kind within the learning container. 

  • You have been awakening and wanting to learn more about your psychic capacities: clairaudience, clairvoyance, and claircognizance so that you can be a channel humbly serving the healing and awakening of our human family.

  • You are an independent thinker who respects all paths, nationalities, races, and religions. You recognize that all spiritual paths CAN (but definitely don’t always) lead to enlightenment and union with Spirit.

  • You are comfortable with the idea of Christ-Consciousness, and you recognize that the distortion that occurred in many patriarchal religions does not reflect the Spiritual Masters who humbly shared their spiritual wisdom.

  • You are willing to listen with your heart and move beyond the mind’s need to grasp and get stuck on concepts, resentments, semantics, and cultural stigmas that could be limiting your capacities for authentic communications with your Spiritual Guides.


What to Expect within Spiritually Guided

  • 3 Live Workshops, everything will be recorded 

  • Private WhatsApp Group for peer-led study and sharing

  • Meditations, Prayers, and Practices for home study

  • Live Q&A on experiences you are having


Week 1
January 17, 2023 live workshop
6:00 PM Eastern Time


  • Welcome

  • The Mediumistic history of Clara and Isabel

  • Self-knowledge with the 4 elements

Week 2
January 24, 2023 live workshop
6:00 PM Eastern Time


  • The various types of Mediumship

  • Guides and obsessor beings

  • Protection and Care for the Medium

Week 3
February 2, 2023 live workshop
6:00 PM Eastern Time


  • The diversity of beings that represent the Gods in different cultures

  • Homage to Iemanjá (Queen of the Sea)

  • Study summary


This program was put together for three reasons:

  1. Women worldwide have been asking to learn more about their spiritual connection, physical gifts, and sacred faculties as they have been awakening.
    They want to know what’s been happening to them as they become more sensitive to energies and how to wield their gifts and sensitivities as superpowers for the greater good.  However, trustworthy education on this is very limited.  Much of what is out there is distorted by vanity, ego, money, and pride. This program is a humble, authentic, and POTENT container led by two sincere spiritual teachers from the Amazon Rainforest. 

  2. This is an act of reciprocity.
    Clara Shinoba Iura is a teacher of mine, and she is a woman who vastly transformed my life. I promised the Creator that one day I would try to pay forward the blessings that I received. In that prayer, I imagined an opportunity to support one of Clara’s initiatives, Santa Casa.  Nearly eight years have gone by.  Recently, she reached out to me asking if we could help raise funds for a Santa Casa, (Holy House).  Santa Casa is a spiritual hospital in the Amazon which heals many people through the power of ritual, prayer, and plant medicine. I was one of those people.

    This holy house, cared for by very humble people of the forest,  has been a refuge for hundreds of people worldwide. Through this program, we aim to raise sufficient funds to help build a kitchen and support staff, medicine, and food costs. With these modest funds, they will be able to sustain their hospital and continue to help hundreds of people who seek care. 

    Never before has this opportunity arisen to share with wisdom and spiritual knowledge of the tradition that helped save my life and shape my spiritual journey. 

    This exchange of sacred wisdom for a financial contribution to build a sacred hospital feels like a divine blessing that exemplifies what a sacred economy can look like. 

    For me, this is a very profound and meaningful moment. 

    3. Clara and Isabel are the two teachers who will be guiding this program. They are channels and mediums of a very TRUE and LEGITIMATE nature. 
    I can say from experience that by simply being in the presence of these women that you will be touched and transformed.

    Together we have designed a 3-week sacred study so that each of us can dive deeper into our sacred connection with our spiritual guides and learn more about who we are as channels and mediums.


This event is a fundraiser and proceeds will go to Santa Casa de Cura, Acre, Brazil.

Santa Casa is a Spiritual Hospital and Healing Center in the Amazon Jungle which serves community and spiritual seekers on the journey of healing body, mind, and soul.  This hospital is open to all and serves from charity. Santa Casa’s mission is to aggregate, attend and serve the Community in the Amazon of Acre, Brazil at a spiritual, social, and individual level. Its main care focus is spiritual healing with the support of compatible integrative therapies such as sacred knowledge of oriental medicine, bioenergetic therapies, yoga, meditations, and mediumistic services within the Umbandaime line and in the spiritist line of doctors. Using the wisdom of caboclos, pretos velhos and all healing entities, both from Umbanda and from the enchanted ones of the forest.

The Santa Casa building renovation project has been happening since the beginning of 2021 with the support of Instituto Sócio Ambiental – Isaviçosa, the contribution of the Foundation for the Healing Force of the Amazon (FHFA) and other brothers and sisters who are making this possible.



Born in the State of Sao Paulo Brazil, Clara studied philosophy at the University of Sao Paulo. Through her experiences of Clairvoyance and mediumship, she has initiated many teachings from macrobiotics to Umbanda. After helping with the curing of Padrinho Sebastiao, spiritual leader of one of the Santo Daime's largest churches, she was invited to live and work in Céu do Mapiá a community located in the heart of the Amazon forest. Clara is a founder and principal healer in the Santa Casa, a women operated healing center in the Amazon jungle, which serves hundreds of people in the local village as well as thousands of international visitors.


  Isabel Facchini Barsé is a healer, medicine woman, and communicator of the intelligence of the medicinal plants of the Amazon. She has committed over 40 years to healing, therapeutic and mediumistic studies.  She has spent 30 years researching Amazonian Flower Remedies together alongside Marie Alice, and now teaches others around the world. In 1999, in the center of Mapia, she helped create Santa Casa de Cura, where she works today as director and in serving the local population and visitors.

She works directly with a guide Emmanuel and that has led her to publish the following works:
>The Transmutation of Humanity - Emmanuel
>Prayers, Appeals and Invocations – Emmanuel
>Amazon Flowers – The Rebirth of Elementotherapy - in partnership with Maria Alice C. Freire
>Pearls of I Am – Emmanuel
>The Book of Peace - Emmamuel



Feel free to email support@globalsisterhood.org with questions, we’re happy to help!


+ Where does the course take place?

The course content will be hosted on Teachable, while the live calls will be done via Zoom. Once you enroll, you will get access to the online portal where you will find spreadsheets, meditations, prayers and guidance.

+ Where does the procceds of this event go?

We will be sending the money to Brazil to help fund the renovation and continuing of the hospital Santa Casa de Cura.

SANTA CASA DE CURA- A Spiritual Hospital and Healing Center in the Amazon Jungle which serve community and spiritual seekers on the journey of healing body, mind and soul. This hospital is open to all and serves from charity. Santa Casa’s mission is to aggregate, attend and serve the Community in the Amazon of Acre, Brazil at a spiritual, social, and individual level. Its main care focus is spiritual healing with the support of compatible integrative therapies such as sacred knowledge of oriental medicine, bioenergetic therapies, yoga, meditations, and mediumistic services within the Umbandaime line and in the spiritist line of doctors. Using the wisdom of caboclos, pretos velhos and all healing entities, both from Umbanda and from the enchanted ones of the forest.The Santa Casa building renovation project has been happening since the beginning of 2021 with the support of Instituto Sócio Ambiental – Isaviçosa, the contribution of the Foundation for the Healing Force of the Amazon (FHFA) and other brothers and sisters who are making this possible. the progress of the work.

+ What time are the live calls?

January 17, January 24, and February 2 at 06:00 PM New York Time / ET.

+ How long will I have access to the content?

Forever and ever, you will be able to save these teachings to your personal computer and/or be able to access them through Teachable.

+ What's the time investment?

The course will be around 3 hours each week. The Live calls themselves will be around 2 hours and there will be suggestions for personal work, meditations, invocations and offline work.

+ Who is Global Sisterhood?

For the last seven years Global Sisterhood has spearheaded the reemergence of women’s circles. Through our global movement in over 100 countries, women have felt the call to lead in order to transform the feminine imbalance in our world.

Global Sisterhood is a movement centered around transformation. We are about going deep, doing healing work, and transforming cultural, familial, and societal wounding so we can rise as new paradigm leaders inspiring growth and awakening wherever we go.

+Can I get a refund?

Due to the nature of digital products, we have a strict no refund policy. Make sure before you purchase that you are absolutely sure you want this course. If you have a question before you join the course, send a message to support@globalsisterhood.org.