A woman’s initiation to heal the patriarchal wound of unworthiness,
reclaim the divinity of your desires and step into your self-worth in every dimension of your life.

Taught and guided by: Anne Baring, Yeye Luisah Teish, Mare Chapman, Quanita Roberson and
Global Sisterhood Co-Founder, Shaina Conners

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Daughter of Earth and Sister of the Cosmos, 

We are divine beings.

We always have been…

But the age-old narratives we were told about ourselves and our collective history were riddled with mistruths, and interpreted through scarcity, fear, and delusions about the feminine.

And that’s why for thousands of years, many of us had to forget who we really are – it was safer that way.

We were forced to cast down our magic, protect our hearts with shields, close our eyes, and contract our spirits.

We were forced into a “lower” place.

A scorned place.

Out in the world and inside of ourselves…

And that's how our society was built off of the downfall of women.

We were mocked, teased, downplayed, and burned.

Our magic was buried and our treasures were forgotten.

Until now.


Sister, we live in the time of the Great Remembrance.
The Great Upheaval.
The Great Rebirth

This time is not the responsibility of one person, one leader, one guru, or a saint.

This period is encouraged by togetherness, coherence, a collective vision, and our individual and connected rise.

Women knowing our inherent worth IS the answer.

It is the way! 

Sister, where are you on your self-worth journey? 

Do you have issues with money, relationships, or living the life of your dreams? Because if you do, it’s all connected to a bigger mission and healing purpose. 

As daughters of this Earth, we are here to birth new systems, and new ways of being that promote compassion and equality.  

We are here to birth new paths to freedom and hope - to build new financial futures, healthcare systems based on health and wellbeing, fruitful economies, regenerative communities, and a bountiful future for our children that is full of hope and potential.

But we can’t do that if we are under-resourced, undernourished, and in doubt of our worthiness.



Here’s how it works:  May 2nd, The Worth of a Woman Journey begins.

You will be compassionately guided through 6 live sessions with a combination of offline education and resources plus deep transformational healing work. 


  • 6 Live Workshops, 4 teaching modules, and 1 Intention Session and 1 Integration Session
    Classes will be 1.5-2 hours long
    *Everything will be recorded 

  • Private WhatsApp Group for peer-led study and sharing

  • Meditations, Prayers, and Practices for home study

  • Live Q&A on experiences you are having


Session 1
Tuesday, May 2nd live workshop


  • Welcome and introduction to our healing path

  • Intention Setting

  • Guidelines and Sharing Circle

Session 2
Thursday, May 4th, 2023 live workshop
9AM PST // 12 PM EST


  • Understanding the Rise of the Patriarchy and how it impacts all of our lives

  • The New Story we can weave for Humanity

  • Why our unworthiness is not our fault

Session 3
Wednesday, May 10th, 2023 live workshop
11AM PST // 2 PM EST


  • Mindfulness practices that point to where we are holding limiting beliefs

  • Awareness teachings that help restore the connection with our trustworthy and wise authentic selves

Session 4
Thursday, May 18th, 2023 live workshop
11AM PST // 2 PM EST


  • Healing the ancestral legacy of our worthiness stories

  • Connecting with our healed spiritual guides and ancestors who can show us our gifts and strengths

  • Owning the responsibility as future ancestors

Session 5
Thursday, May 25th live workshop
11AM PST // 2 PM EST


  • Learning to rise above the forces that have oppressed us to take back our power

  • Lessons of the integrated woman

  • Forgiveness as a magic elixir of freedom

Session 6
Tuesday, May 30th live workshop
11AM PST // 2 PM EST


  • How we walk the walk, own our power, and show up to life

  • Sharing circle

  • Embodying our gifts and magic


Worth of a Woman Guides:


Anne is one of the great pioneers of the Divine Feminine of our time. She is an Oxford historian, Jungian analyst, and author of 7 profound books including, The Myth of the Goddess: Evolution of an Image and The Dream of the Cosmos: A Quest for the Soul.. At her ripe age of 91, her work is devoted to the recognition that we live in an ensouled world and to the restoration of the lost sense of communion between us and the invisible dimension of the universe that is the source or ground of all that we call 'life'. www.annebaring.com


Chief  Iyanifa Fajembola Fatunmise also known as Yeye Luisah Teish is an American author of African and African-diaspora spiritual cultures. She is an affluent ritualist, keynote speaker, and spiritual advisor on a global scale. Primarily known for  Jambalaya: The Natural Woman’s Book of Personal Charms and Practical Rituals, a women’s spirituality classic.
She is an Oshun priestess (Yoruba Goddess of Love and Sensuality) and holds an honorary Ph.D. from the International Institute of Integral Human Sciences.


Quanita is a shaman, spiritual teacher, speaker, author, life coach, and storyteller. Her work over the past 20 years has been focused on the areas of healing, initiation, grief, leadership, diversity, and inclusion. She’s the founder of Nzuzu Consulting and co-founder of Fire & Water: A 16-month Leadership Journey and Rite of Passage Cohort.


Mare Chapman. M.A., is a psychotherapist and vipassana mindfulness teacher in private practice since 1983. Mare finds mindfulness to be the most transformative tool for working with the mind to handle the gamut of life's challenges with greater ease and stability. She is the author of Unshakeable Confidence The Freedom To Be Our Authentic Selves: Mindfulness for Women. She studies the mindfulness applications of internalized misogyny and helps women find liberation in a Patriarchal world.


Who is this program for:

  1. You have thought over 1000 times in your life that you are either “not good enough”,  “too much”, or “not enough”  and you’re READY to shift that pattern and be deeply nourished by your worth and connection to the cosmos. 

  2. You know you have a mission. You have something beautiful to birth, but you feel overwhelmed, scared, and doubtful. You think “who I am to…”

  3. You are a soul-led woman who is devoted to growth. This isn’t your first time doing work on the “ I am not enough” wound, but you are deeply committed to truly heal it once and for all.

  4. You want more abundance and that also means money, and have struggled with finances in your life and/or you have been overly stressed about finding abundance in your life.

  5. You yearn for more rich relationships and a more loving and positive relationship with your spirit, your body, and your gifts. 

  6. You are ready to be seen, heard, and witnessed because YOU hold space for others so naturally… and it’s now your turn!

  7. You are willing to invest time, energy, and love into yourself — not for another certification, approval, or accolade, but to nourish the hole you sometimes feel inside, so that you can overflow with essence, power, joy, and energy!


This program is NOT for you if 

  1. You are afraid to actually see yourself! This includes your gifts, shadows, power, and purpose. You are not ready to be held in a safe space for healing and transformation because you are too comfortable hiding from the truth.

  2. You are not ready to invest in yourself, deeply. Not for some certification, approval, or another accolade, but to nourish the hole you sometimes feel inside so that you can overflow with essence, power, joy, and energy!

  3. You are stuck in the rat race and you’re convinced there is no way out.

If this program is SOUL ALIGNED for you, here’s how it can transform you: 

  1. You will walk away knowing that the conditioning is NOT your fault.

  2. You will see yourself, your family, your path, and everything else with a lot of gratitude and humility.

  3. You will soak in the wisdom of our elders and allow their wisdom to penetrate you in your core.

  4. You will walk away EMPOWERED, ALIVE, AWAKE, and READY to do what it takes to live into your mission, purpose, and dreams.

  5. You will allow this process to be a RENAISSANCE for your soul and spirit.


About Shaina & Worth of a Woman


Hi, I’m Shaina Conners, the co-founder of Global Sisterhood.
I cut my teeth in the finance world, seeing it for what it was, and learning what I needed. Mainly questioning how we could rebirth a New World if women were not in positions of power, and the feminine was not represented.

Around that time, I learned of the Great Mother and Remembered my sacred purpose: to serve as a steward during these changing times on Earth.

I believe that each woman has a divine purpose here on Earth, and in order to recall what that is, it is essential for us to heal from the thousands of years of conditioning and propaganda that have made it hard for us to remember.

We are here for the Great Rebirth. We cannot usher in this new time alone.
We need sisterhood community, healing spaces, and safety.

Worth of a Woman is a body of work I’m being called to bring forth in these times.
When this work is fully embodied it will connect you to the Tree of Life within yourself - roots, trunk, and branches. This course is addressing the ROOTS of unworthiness - subconscious, ancestral, and historical. In the future, we will explore the trunk (mission and purpose) and the branches (building, money, and relationships) to really uplift and empower ourselves.

This work will prepare you to heal and to lead with your FULL HEART, FULL GIFTS, and FULL TRUST of the universe and its’ many infinite blessings.

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Feel free to email support@globalsisterhood.org with questions, we’re happy to help!


+ Where does the course take place?

All of the Live Calls will be on Zoom. You will find the links and times available on your platform and through our emails. The offline course content will be hosted on the Teachables platform. Once you enroll, you will get access to the online portal where you will find worksheets, meditations, prayers and guidance.

+ Where does the procceds of this event go?

Worth of a Woman is a research project intended to study the worthiness issue felt by woman globally. The proceeds of this event will continue the research and focus of understanding how we can rise about the Patriachal, Imperialistic and Capatilistic programming to merge a new way forward.

+ How long will I have access to the content?

Forever and ever, you will be able to save these teachings to your personal computer and/or be able to access them through Teachable.

+ What's the time investment?

The course will be around 3 hours each week. The Live calls themselves will be around 2 hours and there will be suggestions for personal work, meditations, invocations and offline work.

+ Who is Global Sisterhood?

For the last seven years Global Sisterhood has spearheaded the reemergence of women’s circles. Through our global movement in over 100 countries, women have felt the call to lead in order to transform the feminine imbalance in our world.

Global Sisterhood is a movement centered around transformation. We are about going deep, doing healing work, and transforming cultural, familial, and societal wounding so we can rise as new paradigm leaders inspiring growth and awakening wherever we go.

+Can I get a refund?

Due to the nature of digital products, we have a strict no refund policy. Make sure before you purchase that you are absolutely sure you want this course. If you have a question before you join the course, send a message to support@globalsisterhood.org.